On the Thinking Creature and Artificial Intelligence
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thinking creature
thinking apparatus of a thinking creature
artificial intelligence

How to Cite

Deev G.E., Ermakov S.V. On the Thinking Creature and Artificial Intelligence // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2021. Vol. 2, № 1. P. 35-48. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2021-2-1-4.


Some features of any thinking creature are presented. To substantiate the selection of such properties, it is shown that a thinking creature with the given set of features always generates such a civilizational concept as the set of natural numbers. A thinking creature is not fully characterized by the given features; it is possible to extend the set of features to indefinitely. The proposed features should be an attribute of any thinking creature. There is a relation between a thinking creature with the given set of features and artificial intelligence. This paper is conceptual and is an ideological option for building computing and cybernetic devices, in particular B-computers.

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