Adiabatic Compression of Ideal Collisionless Gas in One-Dimensional Space
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adiabatic gas compression
gas dynamics
the Monte Carlo method

How to Cite

Bykovskikh D.A., Galkin V.A. Adiabatic Compression of Ideal Collisionless Gas in One-Dimensional Space // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2020. Vol. 1, № 4. P. 6-12. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2020-1-4-1.


The study focuses on adiabatic compression of collisionless gas with moving and fixed
boundaries in onedimensional
space. A class of exact solutions is found. The key concept for finding
these exact solutions is the determination of the molecule distribution density in the coordinate and velocity
spaces over time. Since the velocity space is discrete, the particle velocity distribution density is integrated
over the velocities to obtain the macroscopic gas properties. The analytical solution and numerical Monte
Carlo solution results are compared for different particle numbers and boundary velocities, and the errors
are performed. The class of exact solutions can be used for software verification.
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