I. R. Prigogine emphasized the need to research unstable systems. However, for the last 40 years, this problem has not been studied well. Still, in the last 25 years, the statistical instability of biomechanical motion properties was proved as the Eskov–Zinchenko effect. Such unstable systems exist in the Earth’s inorganic nature, too, as the human habitat climate/weather regulation systems. In 1948 W. Weather called such systems “3rd kind systems”. They feature a special statistical instability peculiar to self-organizing systems. The study presents the key properties of such 3rd kind systems and some invariants that define these non-stationary systems. Significantly, the simulation is based on some quantum mechanics postulates. Particularly, these are the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and the quantum entanglement principle.
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Filatova O. E., Gudkov A. B., Eskov V. V., Chempalova L. S. The Concept of Uniformity of a Group in Human Ecology. Human Ecology. 2020;2:40–44. (In Russ.)
Grigorenko V. V., Eskov V. M., Nazina N. B., Egorov A. A. Information-Analytical System of Cardiographic Information Functional Diagnostics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020;1515:052027.