The Problem of Irreversibility in Quantum Mechanics and Living Systems
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the Eskov–Zinchenko effect

How to Cite

Eskov V.M., Filatov M.A., Voronyuk T.V., Melnikova E.G., Kukhareva A.Y. The Problem of Irreversibility in Quantum Mechanics and Living Systems // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2024. Vol. 5, № 3. P. 50-55. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2024-5-3-06.


in his publication in Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk on quantum consciousness, M.B. Mensky (2007) integrates all three of V.L. Ginzburg’s “great” problems into a unified framework, focusing on the issue of irreversibility at the molecular level within thermodynamics. This irreversibility, representing the motion of matter, is typically compensated for by statistically averaged values such as temperature, pressure, and entropy. However, in biological systems, these constants do not apply. Due to the Eskov–Zinchenko effect, statistical averaging becomes inapplicable, leading to a state of fundamental uncertainty. Consequently, new approaches are required to address these complexities.
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