in physics and other sciences, it has long been believed that complexity is linked to the description of models within non-linear systems. However, as early as 1948, W. Weaver and later M. GellMann associated complexity with unpredictability. This perspective gained traction following the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for the fundamental uncertainty in predicting the future of quantum objects during experiments (where the future seems to be ”happening”). Over the past 20 years, the Eskov-Zinchenko effect has been demonstrated across all biosystems. According to this effect, any sample of any biosystem parameter is unique, and the future of the biosystem is genuinely ”happening” again. This finding has shown that complete uncertainty and unpredictability are inherent in all biosystems. Consequently, biosystems constantly ”re-create” their samples, which differs from Lorentz’s dynamic chaos. This introduces a new form of uncertainty in all sciences, intrinsically linked to unpredictability.
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