Increasing the Overhead Power Line Capacity Using a Booster Transformer
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booster transformer
automatic voltage control
power supply
oil and gas industry facilities
power transmission line
power supply quality

How to Cite

Manusov V.Z., Ivanov G.V., Kislitsin E.Y., Gorelov S.V. Increasing the Overhead Power Line Capacity Using a Booster Transformer // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2024. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 47-53. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2024-5-1-06.


this study evaluates technical interventions aimed at enhancing the power supply quality to electrical systems within oil and gas fields that are distantly located from centralized power supply points, specifically by augmenting the capacity of existing 6 kV field overhead lines. Utilizing a case study, the performance of an overhead line spanning 12.338 km (inclusive of anticipated desoldering) under varied electrical load conditions was examined. To facilitate the electrification of newly inaugurated facilities, the entity responsible for the electrical infrastructure of the referenced hydrocarbon extraction complex suggested the creation of a decoupling from the current 6 kV overhead line. Given the expected addition of new electrical consumers, which would result in an increased load on the pre-existing line, the study not only computed electrical loads but also estimated the projected current load and evaluated the wire cross-section for long-term allowable current. Additionally, the voltage level at the proposed connection point was calculated with the anticipated load in mind, revealing a reduction in voltage below the standards mandated by GOST 32144-2013. The implementation of an automatic voltage regulation node employing a booster transformer is recommended. The paper calculates the effectiveness of using a booster transformer to expand line capacity and highlights the method’s advantage of rapid deployment compared to alternative solutions for improving power supply quality to industrial installations
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