Intuitive Logical Systems and Their Applications in Artificial Intelligence Technologies
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intuitive logical systems
visual correlation analysis
artificial neural networks
artificial intelligence
semantic relevance

How to Cite

Gavrilenko T.V., Galkin V.A. Intuitive Logical Systems and Their Applications in Artificial Intelligence Technologies // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2024. Vol. 5, № 1. P. 8-16. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2024-5-1-01.


the paper considers the construction of intuitive language images related to the concept of artificial neural networks (ANN) which are extensively used and without proper, rigorous mathematical justification applied to artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This work aims to identify the semantics for creating a rigorous mathematical foundation for the future theory of ANNs and AI. A fundamental aspect of these technologies is the conceptual analytical apparatus created by the intelligence of the Human in their information environment, in which ANN and AI act as auxiliary, fast-acting tools. They contribute to the solution of tasks formulated within the framework of the universal intuitive language environment. In the context of the developed approach, metrics in solution spaces are defined, in particular, in the tasks of visual correlation analysis applied to efficiently reveal the relationships of experimental observations. The concepts of theory and semantic relevance as defined by Man are presented. Possible limitations in AI technologies based on the peculiarities of human thinking and language systems are shown
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