A Magnetic Field-Controlled Phase Transition in Antiferromagnetic Materials
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antiferromagnetic materials
phase transitions
layered media
critical temperature

How to Cite

Egorov V.I., Kryzhanovsky B.V. A Magnetic Field-Controlled Phase Transition in Antiferromagnetic Materials // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2023. Vol. 4, № 4. P. 13-21. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2023-4-4-01.


we studied the properties of antiferromagnetic materials in an external magnetic field using the mean field approximation. We found that the external magnetic field does not destroy the phase transition in antiferromagnetic materials but just changes the critical properties and shifts the critical point so it is possible to control the system properties. Moreover, the number of critical points can vary from one (second-order phase transition) to four (two first-order phase transitions and two second-order phase transitions). We estimated the critical properties at the critical point shifted by the applied magnetic field. We showed that by varying the magnetic field magnitude, we can increase the critical temperature in materials with strong antiferromagnetic interactions by more than 300%.

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