The Concept of Multistage Integrated Chip Routing with Virtual Channels
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circuit routing
integrated circuit
multistage method
virtual channels

How to Cite

Vlasov S.E., Godovitsyn M.M., Starostin N.V. The Concept of Multistage Integrated Chip Routing with Virtual Channels // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2020. Vol. 1, № 1. P. 8-15. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2020-1-1-2.


The study solves the problem of circuit routing in ICs. We propose a multistage approach based on interconnection mesh reduction. It expands the chip interconnecting capability by introducing extra channels. The interconnection mesh reduction significantly accelerates the existing routing algorithms. The introduction of more channels makes it possible to reduce the routing problem in a complex interconnect space topology by removing the new routes from the extra (virtual) channels.
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