The National Hydrometeorological Archive as Big Data. Appropriate Technologies and Tools
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Russian National Hydrometeorological Archive
big data
data description language for hydrometeorological data
data processing technologies
data conversion technologies

How to Cite

Peretyatko L.O. The National Hydrometeorological Archive as Big Data. Appropriate Technologies and Tools // Russian Journal of Cybernetics. 2022. Vol. 3, № 4. P. 98-101. DOI: 10.51790/2712-9942-2022-3-4-11.


we considered the records of the National Hydrometeorological Archive (NHMA) as Big Data and presented the technologies and tools for processing the NHMA data. The NHMA stores information on hydrometeorology and related areas (meteorology, aerology, hydrology, oceanology, etc.) both on paper and digitally. Digital primary data are of particular interest to data analysts. The data are divided into layers. This paper presents the rationale for considering the USDF records as big data and describes their features.
We used the publicly available climate research records stored and replenished by the All-Russia Research Institute of Hydrometeorological Information, World Data Center as an example of big data. The paper also lists the technologies and tools to be applied for more efficient handling of the NHMA data.
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