any simulation of processes, including biological ones, follows the patterns occurring both inside and outside of the object. The study of complex biosystem dynamics identified some such patterns
which complicate the simulation of system parameter dynamics since such systems have a chaotic, selforganizing structure. In biosystems, it is impossible to reproduce the initial xi, any intermediate xn and final xk states of both the entire system and any subsystem. Simulation of complex biosystems should consider chaotic patterns. The proposed simulation model accurately represents the 2D movement of a human limb. The model implements three principles: the regulatory circuits of the model are represented by differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side; the limb trajectory (tremor simulation) direction is changed randomly in a limited range to simulate a self-organizing system; any changes to the biosystem are random. The model is scalable and can be applied to a 3D study with more muscle bundles controlling the movement of a human limb.
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